- Natural Treatments used during a session, individually or combined are to assist the body to heal itself. Theta Healing (working on the major belief systems and working with your DNA)
Time Line Past Life Healing and Future Setting
Usui Reiki (Japanese form of energetic hands on healing)
Seichim (Egyptian form of amplified energetic hands on healing)
Medical Medium & Advance Angel Intuitive with honors (guided by higher realms to remove energetic blocks and clear lower energies) - I the undersigned understand that a Natural Healing session given is for the purpose of stress reduction and relaxation, which promotes the conditions for the body to heal itself. I understand that a Healing session is not a substitute for medical or psychological diagnosis and treatment. Healing practitioners do not diagnose conditions, nor do they prescribe or perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, nor interfere with the treatment of a licensed physician, or licensed health care professional for any physical, or psychological ailment.
- I understand and believe that the body has the ability to heal itself, and to do so complete relaxation is most beneficial and long term imbalances in the body sometimes requires multiple treatments to allow the body to reach the level of relaxation necessary to bring the system back into balance. I understand and believe that self- improvement requires commitment on my part, and that I must be willing to change in a positive way if I am to receive the full benefit of a Healing treatment.
- I acknowledge my commitment to my self-improvement and I recognize that for best results, a treatment program must be followed to be fully effective, just as prescribed medication is only effective if taken as directed. It is suggested 3 consecutive treatments, one or two weeks apart to receive the optimum benefits. As often ailments and issues have taken years to manifest within the body.
Print Name ____________________________________________________________________________________ City/State _____________________________________________________________________________________ Country______ _________________________________________________________________________________ Have you had a Natural Therapies session before?_____________________________________________________ Is there something in particular you wish to achieve from the Treatment?____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Disclaimer and Terms of Service
The information on this website including ideas, suggestions, techniques and other material is for general and educational purposes only. Information on this website is not intended to create any client therapist relationship. It should not be intended as medical or psychological advice and should not be used for medical or psychological diagnosis or treatment. This information should not be considered a replacement for consulting with a healthcare professional. If you have questions or concerns about your health, please contact your healthcare provider. Energy healing is not a substitute for medical care.
Energy healing provides harmony and balance within, relieving stress and supporting the body’s natural ability to heal. All energy healing sessions are subject to personal experience. Responses will vary with the unique energies of the individual. The practitioner provides no guarantee of the results of the treatment.
By viewing this website you agree to take responsibility for your own self and fully release, indemnify and hold harmless, Lynne Huriya and all personal representatives from any claim or liability whatsoever and for any damage or injury, personal, financial, emotional, psychological or otherwise which may incur arising at any time of or in relation to your use of the information presented on this website If any court of law rules that any part of the Disclaimer is invalid, the disclaimer stands as if those parts were struck out.
All information provided to the practitioner will be strictly confidential. Payment is to be made prior or at the time of the service.
Client Information
A healing session is given for the purpose of stress reduction and relaxation, which promotes the conditions necessary for the body to heal. A healing session is not a substitute for medical or psychological diagnosis and treatment. Spiritual practitioners do not diagnosis conditions, nor do they prescribe or perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, nor interfere with the treatment of a licensed physician, or licensed health care professional for any physical, or psychological ailment.
As the body has the ability to heal itself, to do so complete relaxation is most beneficial and long term imbalances in the body sometimes requires multiple treatments to allow the body to reach the level of relaxation necessary to bring the system back into balance. Self-improvement requires commitment on our part, and we must be willing to change in a positive way to receive the full benefit of an Energetic therapy treatment.
When you receive Energetic therapy treatments, your emotions may be profoundly affected. Emotional "blocks" are often released and you come into closer contact with feelings that you may have suppressed in the past - perhaps sadness or anger. It is important to acknowledge these emotions and release them, knowing a healing is taking place. This clearing process continues for three weeks.
Spiritual Energetic therapy treatment helps you to become more aware of inner processes, both emotional and mental. During a treatment, the mind and the process of thinking are relaxed. You will feel clearer and might discover and dissolve negative beliefs about yourself and others that you have struggled with for many years.
Spiritual healing also supports you in your spiritual growth. People, who open themselves to forms of Spiritual Energetic therapy and practice it, can know themselves better and can experience greater consciousness, intuition, self-awareness and inner-peace. The most frequent experience, which arises during a treatment, is the feeling of peace, relaxation and security, supplying the body with additional energy, which can be used for healing on all levels, the mental emotional spiritual, and physical.
All forms of spiritual healing are always safe and always create a healing effect for everyone involved with no adverse effects.
Some reported benefits and results of Spiritual Healings
- Accepting responsibility for creating our realities.
- Emotional stability and confidence & mental clarity.
- Enhanced Prosperity and Success in daily life.
- Expanded awareness, consciousness & self-realization.
- Experience of spiritual connection with Divine energy.
- Heightened sense of happiness, joy and creativity.
- Improved balance in own sexuality.
- Improvement of personal relationships.
- Increased experience of physical health and well-being.
- Increased Intelligence, perception, & telepathy.
- Inner peace, harmony, compassion.
- More youthful vitality, energy and personal power.
- Realisation of our full potentials.
- Release of past traumas suppressing our personal growth.
- Release of physical tension, stress and pain.,