Lynne was born in West Yorkshire England with psychic abilities, which became evident at an early pre school age, evidence of clairvoyance and clairaudience, passing on messages and speaking with Jesus, insisting she attend church to learn everything about Jesus age 5, to her surprised parents.
This strong connection into the higher realms allows Lynne to pass on messages from your guardian angels, and the Divine for the highest and best good all. Clients and students confirm regularly that the information given to them is accurate and premonition's validated as the future unfolds, even though Lynne has never spoken with them prior to the appointment.
Lynne has worked professionally as a psychic healer and medical intuitive for over 20 years, which is her passion and her education an ongoing process. This enable's Lynne to pass on sacred teachings to assist and empower others in the process of healing, so they feel supported in the healing process, and continue to heal even when the sessions are over. Empowering clients to make the necessary changes in their lives, to the betterment of their lives and those around them.
Lynne reside's in Australia, a wife, mother, and grandmother. A child of God who has acquired experience and qualifications to allow her to speak her truth and shine her light brightly sharing her knowledge, passion for spirituality and wisdom.
Spirituality is a way of life for Lynne and she loves to share her knowledge and assist others to embrace new techniques to help them improve their lives bringing healing to themselves. Lynne empower's students to gain confidence to become professional practitioners and teachers to continue sharing the profound healing techniques, as Reiki is now a world wide recognised healing modality, with documented proven benefits.
This strong connection into the higher realms allows Lynne to pass on messages from your guardian angels, and the Divine for the highest and best good all. Clients and students confirm regularly that the information given to them is accurate and premonition's validated as the future unfolds, even though Lynne has never spoken with them prior to the appointment.
Lynne has worked professionally as a psychic healer and medical intuitive for over 20 years, which is her passion and her education an ongoing process. This enable's Lynne to pass on sacred teachings to assist and empower others in the process of healing, so they feel supported in the healing process, and continue to heal even when the sessions are over. Empowering clients to make the necessary changes in their lives, to the betterment of their lives and those around them.
Lynne reside's in Australia, a wife, mother, and grandmother. A child of God who has acquired experience and qualifications to allow her to speak her truth and shine her light brightly sharing her knowledge, passion for spirituality and wisdom.
Spirituality is a way of life for Lynne and she loves to share her knowledge and assist others to embrace new techniques to help them improve their lives bringing healing to themselves. Lynne empower's students to gain confidence to become professional practitioners and teachers to continue sharing the profound healing techniques, as Reiki is now a world wide recognised healing modality, with documented proven benefits.
- Certified Advance Theta Healing Instructor 2007
- Certified Manifesting & Abundance Instructor 2007
- Certified Seichim Master/Teacher 2007
- Certified Usui Reiki Master/Teacher 2006
- Certified Advance Angel Intuitive with honors 2006
- Certified Basic Theta Healing Instructor 2003
- Certified Advance Accelerated Healing -Therapeutic Reiki 2002
- 2006 – 2021 Instructor & Initiator of Usui Reiki workshops producing Practitioners & Masters/Teachers
- 2004 – 2021 Instructor of Theta Healing workshops levels Basic/Advance/Manifesting & Abundance
- 2007-2021 Instructor & Initiator of Seichim workshops
- 2014 Awarded Pyjama Angel of the Gold Coast (for voluntary work with the Pyjama Foundation)
- 2004 – 2011 Instructed Psychic Development workshops
- 2007 Contracted by Aerial Angels for Jupiter’s Casino Gold Coast – Solely providing Angel Card Readings for guests supporting the grand opening of the show Zingara’s.
- 2006 Angel Card Readings Winter Solstice Festival Burleigh
- 2006 Angel Card Readings Sharks Club – contracted for Circus Theme Birthday Celebrations
- 2005 Angel Card Readings Joyfest
- Visionary Artist